More Accurately
Day 179: Acts 18:23-28, 19:1-12
“He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.” - Acts 18:26 ESV
Misdirected boldness isn't something that should intimidate us. I think we many times see those who are talented and unafraid as threats. The best thing we can do as we encounter these gifted individuals is to engage them in conversation.
This is exactly what our power couple does. Aquila and Priscilla didn't dismiss or shame Apollos. Instead, they "took him aside" and clarified what he was attempting to communicate.
Now, this could have gone poorly if Apollos wasn't teachable, but thankfully that was not the case. Pride often keeps the talented stunted when it comes to spiritual maturity. Because of his humility, Apollos was positioning himself to become a major player in expanding Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. Here we see another African playing a significant role in God's kingdom (see our previous post about the Ethiopian).
Does just the idea of engaging someone like Apollos make you feel uncomfortable? Don't be intimidated by strong people. Instead, think if all they'll do for Jesus' Kingdom once you help them onto the right path.
Are you ready to learn and grow like he was? The teachable spirit of Apollos needs to be found within all of us.
"He knew of the task Jesus gave men and women to do, but he did not yet fully know of the help Jesus gave them to do it. Aquila and Priscilla gave him fuller and more accurate instruction. The result was that Apollos, who already knew Jesus as a figure in history, came also to know him as a living presence; and his power as a preacher must have been increased dramatically."
- Barclay, W. (2003). The Acts of the Apostles (3rd ed, p. 163)