Can We Use Jesus?
Day 180: Acts 19:13-41
“But the evil spirit answered them, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?’” - Acts 19:15 ESV
Seven Jewish sons of a man named Sceva tried to use the name of Jesus like you use an air compressor or a hair straightener, but their plan backfired. The demon immediately recognized them as frauds, and they lost their clothes and some of their blood in the process.
We cannot use Jesus as another product that gives us benefits toward what we want. God desires a relationship with us through Jesus. The following quote hammers this idea home:
“God reveals himself in personal relationship and only in personal relationship. God is not a phenomenon to be considered. God is not a force to be used. God is not a proposition to be argued. There is nothing in or of God that is impersonal, nothing abstract, nothing imposed.” - Eugene Peterson
Do we want to use Jesus, or do we want Jesus to use us?
Do we want to worship our own desires, or do we want to worship Jesus and submit to his desires?
This has the potential to radically change how we pray, how we read the Bible, and how we attempt to help those in need around us. May we be those who come to worship Jesus and not those who waste the opportunity by angling for wish-fulfillment or our own selfish desires.
Jesus, we trust that your way is best above all others.