Today's reading: Acts 27:21-44
“So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. But we will be shipwrecked on an island.” - Acts 27:25-26
God will always get us to places he wants to be, as we follow his lead. Yet the path of least resistance isn’t typically his method. There is so much to learn and so many opportunities for growth as our faith is put to the test over and over.
Many of us do not look forward to the “shipwreck” methods that God uses to bring us safely to shore.
It may remind us of this verse:
“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” - Prov 16:9
Can God be trusted with our lives, getting us where we need to be? Yes.
Can God be trusted to keep all of our well laid out plans intact? No.
Ultimately, we have to trust that God has a much better plan in mind for us that is beyond our comprehension.
The word for “courage” here is euthymeō, and we can also translate as “be cheerful” or “do not be anxious.”
We can rest secure knowing who holds tomorrow and every day.