
Today’s reading: Acts 28

“And he stayed two full years in his own rented quarters and was welcoming all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered.” - Acts‬ ‭28:30-31‬ NASB

Paul had finally reached his goal of making it to Rome! Yet he wasn’t able to walk the streets freely as he had before. His confinement didn’t limit what God wanted to do through him in Italy.

The parallels between this and our current situation across the world are strong.

The Devil wants you to become unhinged instead of realizing you are unhindered.

God wants us to still look for creative ways to make an eternal difference.

We also know that Paul wrote during this time of limitation. Seven of his most potent letters were written during this final chapter of his life.

One question does come to mind:

Why does Luke end his masterful book with such an open ending?

One thought is that he does it intentionally as an invitation for us to carry on Paul’s legacy.