Worship is a Witness

Today’s reading: Acts 16:16-40

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” - Acts 16:30

The witness that Paul and Silas had laid down for the Philippian Jailer was one of epic proportions.

They were unlawfully (as Roman citizens) stripped, beaten, and imprisoned. Then, in one of the most surprising reactions to suffering in the Bible, they are found to be singing praises to Jesus at midnight. There is power behind praise in the midst of pain. It isn’t just a coping mechanism. It is an involving of the Almighty God in the midst of your chaos.

What is your reaction to suffering? Bitterness? Hatred? Denial? These barely bring temporary relief. Worship has a way of bringing permanent peace to any and every situation we may find ourselves in.

And it is a witness. A witness so powerful that it can bring a jailer to the point of belief, repentance, and baptism.

May we worship in order to win those who have yet to say yes to Jesus!