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Today’s reading: Acts 15:36-41, 16:1-15
“Come over here and help us.” - Acts 16:9
After the First Missionary Journey, Paul and Barnabas had plans. As God would have it, some of those plans didn’t materialize. First of all, they couldn’t agree and had to separate. Then the Holy Spirit frustrated their travel plans into Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). If you see the map of their travels, it is wild how the Holy Spirit kept them along the northern track.
Jesus had a wealthy woman in mind, the first convert in Philippi. The response of Lydia is what we should be praying for as we share Jesus with others:
“Father, please open their hearts.”
Tomorrow we will see even more confirmation as to why they were on a fast track to Macedonia.
Do we have a loose enough grip on our plans to allow the Holy Spirit to send us into a different and more fruitful direction?
Paul and Silas are currently loving their accommodations in the large home of a successful businesswoman. Yet they’ll soon be in a much different place to spend the night.