The term “passion” is one of the most powerful words in the English language.
In my opinion, to have a passion for something or someone, is saying that you have a nearly uncontrollable emotion for that thing or person. Every person is constantly looking for a passion to dedicate his or her life to and I am no exception. For the longest time I had no idea what my passions were because I wasn’t searching for any.
However, God has repeatedly sparked my brain and revealed one passion that is alive and well inside me: helping people, young and old.
When I started college, I knew from the beginning that I wanted to major in something that was going to allow me to help individuals in some way, but I don’t think I considered it a passion at the time. As each year has passed, my faith has grown and God has turned the passion into more than I could have ever imagined. From experiencing the path of psychology, to granting more volunteer opportunities and teaching responsibilities at my church, to now making me somewhat of a leader for a campus ministry.
Everything I have done has been about helping others. Those are no coincidences. They are without a doubt God showing His supernatural power. The greatest part about it all is that I have received an incredible amount of fulfillment through the experiences I have been blessed with. I honestly don’t know if I can say anything has fulfilled me more.
With that being said, I am excited at where I am at in life. I couldn’t be happier in the opportunity I get to work with the campus ministry I was once a mere semester-long member of. I get the chance to help people by teaching the word of God, which is the most helpful thing I could ever do!
As far as my future is concerned, whether it be school counseling, Christian counseling, or something I never even thought of, I know that my career will involve positively helping individuals one way or another. But who knows, the Lord may instill a new passion in me one day. He tends to do things like that.
Ethan Whitson, Impact at IUPUI 2018-2019 Intern