Posts in Connor LaGrange
All We Need Now is You

Life at times can make you feel as if you’re drowning.  As if you’re all by yourself, alone.  Especially at the beginning of a new school semester.  You walk into your new classes with the potential of not knowing another human being there.  You’ve got the chance to get some whack professor that drives you nuts. Both human nature and society tell us that we have to fight the loneliness on our own.  It’s a dog eat dog world out there and from birth we are trained to fight to get to the top, no matter what it costs our relationships. 

            But what if I told you all of this was completely untrue.  Completely unbiblical.  The opposite of the Kingdom Mindset.

            Everything we know about fighting alone is wrong.

            Surprise, sorry to break the news to you, but c’mon someone had to.  No where ever in the Bible does it say to walk alone.  Not one place does it talk about fighting your demons by yourself. 


The author of Hebrews says in chapter ten verse 24-25, “Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do, but spurring each other on especially as we see the big Day approaching.”


So we aren’t supposed to hide and do our own things.  You’re telling me we need to be creative in finding ways to love others?  We are supposed to gather and worship together?  That seems counter cultural.  I wont lie, I will be the first to tell you that a bunch of gatherings and weird get togethers seem pretty dorky.  I want no part of that. 

But here I see in the Bible that togetherness is so important for preparing for the coming of Jesus. 

In Psalm 133:1 David says, “How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!’

What if I told you that we are looking to create a space where friendship between believers comes alive?  A space where a community thrived on being creative.  A place where Christ is at the center of all friendship and community that transpires.  What if there was a place where you were accepted for who you are, but challenged to be who God created you to be.  What if there was a place so attractive that others knew there was something different about those participating?

What if that place existed now?

Welcome to Impact at IUPUI.

We exist to pursue Jesus.  Model His actions.  And teach others.

But we also exist to be a community of believers that supports one another in whatever adventures college life throws at us.  We exist to create life long friendships between believers.  We are here to change the look of the campus of IUPUI.  We exist to change the landscape of Indianapolis.  We are present to transform lives.

All we need now is you. 

Connor LaGrange, Impact at IUPUI Vice President of Fellowship