When Christ Appears

Day 280: Colossians 3:1-17

“When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.'”- Colossians 3:4 ESV

One of my favorite Christian hymns goes like this (John Peterson, 1957):

Coming again, Coming again
Maybe morning, Maybe noon
Maybe evening, and maybe soon
Coming again, Coming again
O what a wonderful day it will be
Jesus is coming again!

Right now, honestly, it seems like a fantastic time for Jesus to return. Between sickness, scandals, and all the hatred surrounding us, we may long to see the sky split, time stop, and Jesus coming back to set all things right (see Revelation 21:1-7). We look forward to the moment of our Savior's return with anticipation and longing!

Yet this isn't all there is when it comes to being a Christian. We aren't still here to just sit and wait as escapists. We are here to put off our old selves (verse 8) and put on the new life (verse 12) right now.

The best way for us to prepare for Jesus' return is to hit darkness head-on with the lives of light.

What drives us? We are those "whom He loves."

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