What God Has Done

Today's reading: Mark 8:11-38

'And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened?' - Mark 8:17 ESV

What Jesus has done (past tense) in our lives is always an indicator of what he can do right now (and in the future). But we are so quick to forget. A lack of memory when it comes to God's faithfulness causes us to panic. Just like the disciples (who were wondering about the next meal), we often wonder if God cares enough to sustain us for today.

Recently, I was preaching at a church nearby. You always notice those who are really affirming as you speak. One older lady in the 8:30 am service was especially tracking with what I was saying. I made a point to thank her after the service for being so encouraging as she sat in the audience. She said something that I'll never forget: "I still remember what God saved me from." What God had done in her life decades ago was still playing on a loop in her heart and mind.

What was her secret?

It was clear: daily interaction with God through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other Christians.

May we never let the worries of today keep us from remembering the supernatural provisions of yesterday.

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