Well Done
Day 38: Matthew 25:1-30
“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” - Matthew 25:21 ESV
We have two parables from Jesus in our reading today.
Don’t you feel a little sorry for the five virgins that didn’t come prepared and the one slave who, out of fear, buried his talent? We may feel this way because all of us have had moments where we didn’t take our faith in Jesus as seriously as we should have.
Another thing that you may have noticed was that there were firm boundaries in place between the five prepared virgins and the unprepared ones, and the two slaves who invested and the one who buried. Though you and I can spend hours sowing Gospel seeds into others’ lives, ultimately, it is their decision to take a step of faith. It is on them to take it from admiring Jesus to believing in him.
If we do genuinely follow Jesus, we will naturally throw ourselves into being prepared for His coming. We will be making investments with what he has already invested in us.
This is our second day in a row to talk about preparedness. Jesus doesn't want us to miss this one.
We are also reminded in our reading that God intends to double-down on his investment in those who are properly using the gifts He's given them.
"God pours more into a full vessel but not into an empty one."
- Keener, C. S. (2009). The Gospel of Matthew (p. 600)