What You Worship as Unknown

Day 177: Acts 17:1-34

“For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: ‘To the unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.” - Acts 17:23 ESV

We would do well to take some time to consider the differences between Paul’s approach here in Athens versus in Jerusalem back in Acts 2. As we saw on Pentecost, Paul wasn’t real complementary to his fellow Jews. “You crucified Jesus” is pretty straightforward.

In Acts 17, though, we see Paul looking for any way he could find to connect with the Athenians. He complements their devotion to their gods but still looked for an opportunity to share about the true God.

In what ways can you do the same in our culture today? Before we can connect with someone who doesn’t yet believe in Jesus, we have to step into their world, understand why they believe what they do.

Empathy opens the door for epiphany.

May we care enough to know those we are desperately trying to reach.