Two Gifts Everyone Needs
Day 158: Acts 5:1-42
"The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins." - Acts 5:30-31
These religious leaders are dumbfounded as to why the Apostles won't shut up. Their usual threatening hasn't worked as normally did. These men don't seem to be taking their orders from the same place as the other Jewish people. There is no stopping the supernatural impression of the Holy Spirit. What comes into us has to find expression in our lives no matter what the consequence.
The end of our reading for today shows one of those consequences (flogging) and it didn't seem to phase them.
What kind of gift do you get for someone who has everything? It is an impossible task. If there is no perceived need, no gift on earth will suffice. This is what the hierarchy of the Israelite faith was like in the first century. They didn't feel like they needed the gift of repentance (Luke 15:7) or any forgiveness (Acts 2:38). Yahweh had been pinned down to their own limits and expectations.
May we choose today to gratefully accept the gift of repentance and thus enjoy the burden-lifting power of forgiveness. Perhaps praying the following prayer and soaking in the final quote will be helpful as we close today.
"God, we come to You with open hands, needing your repentance and forgiveness. They are gifts that we never cease to desire and need. Thank you for being so generous. in Jesus' name, we pray, Amen."
"Rather than suffering fearful intimidation, the apostles became even bolder. They considered it an honor to suffer 'for the Name' of Jesus."
- Gaertner, D. (1995). Acts (Ac 5:41–42)