Through His Ministry

Day 183: Acts 21:18-36

'On the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present. After greeting them, he related one by one the things that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.' - Acts 21:18-19 ESV

As he promised, Paul finds his way to Jerusalem. The experience starts with a strong report of what God had been doing among the nations (Gentiles). This positive report will be interrupted by a concern for the "zealous for the Law" Christians in the city. Things won't end well.

Until then, let us focus on the language Paul uses to describe what was happening among the non-Israelites.

First of all, he itemizes what God had done (one by one). Each story mattered because they represented individuals that Jesus deeply loved. The church is comprised of many single souls.

Second, it wasn't Paul's ministry that was proprietary. We won't be able to do things exactly the way he did throughout the first-century Mediterranean world, but we do worship the same God that worked through their efforts. This means we can be assured that a hopeful movement is still possible in Jesus' name today.

God, help us reach one soul at a time, and please do what only You can do (as You have done) in our point of history. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.