The Woman with Great Faith

Day 23: Matthew 15:1-28

“‘Yes it is, Lord,’ she said. ‘Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.’ Then Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was healed at that moment.”- Matthew 15:27-28 ESV

We need to set this passage up a bit. The Canaanites were the ones that Joshua and the Israelites conquered to secure the Promised Land. They were enemies for many reasons. Religiously they were barbaric, condoning child sacrifice and temple prostitution. They also symbolized what stood between Israel and what God had said was rightfully theirs.

Yet this Canaanite woman confessed Jesus as the Christ by saying, "O Lord, Son of David." This unlikely woman offers a primitive confession of faith before their interaction. She was persistent as well. So much so that the disciples were begging Jesus to send her away (her begging was annoying them).

In this account, Jesus almost seems insensitive and racist. I mean, He calls her a dog. Yet, she is unfazed. She says, "even the dogs," and this showed the extent of her faith.

Authentic faith doesn't quit with its incessant crying out to the God of the impossible.

It seems clear that Jesus was indeed not racist (or he would have sent her away). He was telling the common thought of Jews about unclean Gentiles and allowing her faith to be put on display.

This is to be contrasted with the earlier dealing with the Pharisees, who had allowed their traditions to squish their compassion.

May we have the same "great" faith as this Canaanite woman. May we never cease to cry out, "Lord, help me!"

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