The Way to Bear More Fruit

Day 146: John 15:1-27

"Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit." - John 15:2 ESV

When we first read this verse, we may be a little disappointed. Why would a fruitful branch (us) of the vine (Jesus) be pruned by the gardener? The following quote from Bryan/Krause's commentary hits deep:  "If left untrimmed, a grapevine will use its available energy to grow long woody branches and extend its territory, while producing a few meager bunches of grapes."

God isn't interested in us spanning into a less fruitful season after He's done so much in and through us. Instead, He is looking to trim us back so that we can produce even more fruit as we remain in Him. Jesus is the only one who truly knows all our capabilities.

The word remain is used seven times in the first eight verses of our reading for today. It is the Greek word menō, and it can also be translated as stay or abide. I love the imagery of staying. 

There is no other place we can go where we can become who we are truly meant to be. 

Remaining with Jesus means that we can maximize our influence in this world.

Don't be alarmed by the trimming. It may be painful or inconvenient, but God knows what He is doing. The proof will be in the fruit that follows for years to come.

Kathy GarnerComment