The Testimony of Lazarus

Day 141: John 11:55-57, 12:1-19

“So the chief priests made plans to put Lazarus to death as well, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus.” - John 12:10-11 ESV

When we read the beginning of Holy Week (the week leading up to Jesus' crucifixion on Friday, resurrection on Sunday), we may wonder what buzz created such a reaction from the crowd that was waving palm branches, tossing their coats, and yelling out Messianic praise. On the one hand, we have the overarching prophecy that is being fulfilled, but by what means did God use to generate this kind of response?

If we read this in its context, we see that Lazarus' resurrection from the dead caused quite the stir in Bethany and Jerusalem (just two miles down the road).

Lazarus and his two passionate sisters (Mary and Martha) played a key role in the events leading up to Jesus' ultimate act of rescue and defeat of death. We can see why. Jesus had resurrected all three of them (in some sense), giving them new and focused reasons to live.

It seems like this is how evangelism (sharing your faith) is supposed to work even today. Jesus transforms our lives, and then we can't help but want that transformation for others as well. May we get to hear these words again in our generation:  "Look, the world has gone after him." (12:19)

"It was no long trip from Jerusalem to the town just on the other side of the Mount of Olives. People came from the city, people en route to Jerusalem stopped along the way, people who were already settled early for the coming Passover now hurried to Bethany. All were coming to see Jesus and also Lazarus. After all, Lazarus was living proof of resurrection after death. He had been in the grave for four days, but now was alive and well." - Foster, L. (1987). John: Unlocking the Scriptures for You (p. 135)

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