The Locusts and the Baptizer
Day 2: Matthew 2:13-23, 3:1-6
"Then Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region about the Jordan were going out to him, and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins." - Matthew 3:5-6 ESV
In today's world, we laud the instantaneous. We have guaranteed two-day shipping and tiny, high-powered computers in our pockets. Things that take too much time are a bore and an unnecessary annoyance.
So, we may not fully appreciate what God did in preparation for Jesus' arrival. All of the Messianic Prophecies He laid down beforehand (over 300). I mean, we see three in just our reading today (perhaps 4 if you count 2:23).
We also may not understand the purpose of John the Baptist. Why does he need to eat bugs and honey in the wilderness, being clad in camel threads? Couldn't Jesus have just kicked down the door of the Temple in Jerusalem and got to work? Why the wilderness for John? Why have the Messiah brought up in Nazareth (a hated town, John 1:46)?
All of this is to show us that Jesus was legit. God had been orchestrating this before the world existed (see 1 Peter 1:20).
No one beats Jesus' resume.
What do you think? Can you trust Jesus, the proven Messiah, in 2023? The data says, "Yes, yes, you can."
By the way, John's baptizing of his hearers was a revolution.
Check out the following quote from R.T. France: "John’s baptism was an innovation. The nearest contemporary parallels are the self-baptism of a Gentile on becoming a proselyte, and the repeated ritual washings (also self-administered) at Qumran. Neither accounts adequately for John’s baptism, which was apparently a once-only rite, administered by John in the river, and applied to Jews (for this last point see further on v. 9); and neither carried the note of urgent preparation for the coming crisis which was the main point of John’s baptism. John’s ‘converts’ were not seeking ceremonial purification, but ‘fleeing from the wrath to come’ (v. 7)." - France, R. T. (1985). Matthew: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 1, pp. 96–97)