The Future
Today's reading: Matthew 24:1-28
'And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.' - Matthew 24:14
In our reading for today, Jesus predicts in detail what will later happen to Jerusalem and the temple in A.D. 70 at the Romans' hands. The tricky part in Matthew 24 is trying to decipher when Jesus is talking about the destruction of Jerusalem and when he's talking about his second coming at the end of time.
I lean toward the dividing line being between today's reading and tomorrow's. It is fun to study and reflect upon.
At any rate, we can be confident in this one thing: Jesus knows the future like he knows our present and our past. He is constantly seeing time (as we know it) as a landscape. He truly is what John records in Revelation 22:13:
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
Do you think you can trust Jesus with your future that you keep worrying about? If we haven't realized it yet, there is so much in this world that is outside of our control. We would do well to entrust our future to the One who can take control.