The Breath of God

Day 297: 2 Timothy 2:22-26, 3:1-16

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV

Our culture today has many flaws, but one of the biggest has to be the inability to handle those who disagree with what we believe properly. Do you not come in line with my ideology? I will throttle you verbally and work to ruin your reputation.

One of the phrases I would never use to describe Paul is "afraid of conflict." Paul created a trail of unrest during his early years of church planting, especially among the Jewish fanatics.

Yet, in our reading for today, we see him encouraging Timothy not to pick fights and for him to correct his opponents gently. Getting in people's faces with anger will not lead them into a place of repentance (see 2:25).

The only power strong enough to break through to these detractors was the God-breathed Scripture. The only way Timothy would influence the Roman Empire (the way that Paul did) was to remember who he was (from infancy, he knew the truth) and let God's word do what only it could accomplish.

How will we turn our world away from the list of weaknesses in 3:2-5? It won't be by winning a debate or using physical violence (many have tried that). This will only come about by the breath of God. The same breath that spoke everything into existence (Genesis 1:1-2:1) is still seeking to make all things new today.

"The power of the Bible to affect change and demand obedience resides in the fact that all Scripture is God-breathed. The Bible originates with God. Claims of origins carry great significance because authority lives in the Creator." - Knute Larson

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