The Attitude of Jesus
Day 273: Philippians 1:27-30, 2:1-18
“You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” - Philippians 2:5 NLT
The word used for attitude here is φρονέω phroneō. Jesus uses the same word in Matthew 16:23 when he calls Peter “Satan,” and says that he doesn’t have his mind (phroneo) set on the things of God but on the things of man.
So what does it practically look like to think like Jesus thought when He was on this earth, in the flesh? Verses 6-18 lay it out for us.
It has to do with a whole lot of selflessness. It isn’t a downgrading of our value. Instead, it is using all of our worth to pour ourselves out for the sake of others. It is an ego removal surgery of sorts.
When we think like Jesus thought and thus live as Jesus lived, we will stand out like stars in the darkness.
There will never be a shortage of crooked and perverse (selfish) people. So when we put this all into practice, everything we do will be a strong witness of the gospel.
Yes, it will be a lot of work, but God will give us the desire and power to see it through (verses 12-13), and this ability comes directly from the shed blood of Jesus on the cross.
John Calvin, commenting on this verse, masterfully wrote, "There are, however, two departments, in the first of which he invites us to imitate Christ, because this is the rule of life: in the second, he allures us to it, because this is the road by which we attain true glory."