Sheep without a Shepherd

Today's reading Mark 6:30-56

"When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things." - Mark 6:34 ESV

E.J. Schnabel, commenting on our passage for today, wrote: 'Sheep without shepherds cannot survive for very long: they need shepherds to find pastures and water."

Jesus is offering a direct quote from the Torah (see Numbers 27:17). The context there was the succession of Moses. How would the Israelites recover after losing Moses' leadership after 40 years? His understudy, Joshua, was up for the task to lead them into the Promised Land!

We live among people who are desperately in need of a Shepherd. How do we know this? Because people are quick to deify anyone who has status. Celebrities. Political leaders. Family members. Sports stars. Scientists. Musicians. Everyone is looking for someone worthy enough to "follow." It is funny that this is the word we use for social media.

But only one Shepherd will lead us the way we need to be led: Jesus. If we follow anyone else the way we are supposed to follow Jesus, it will end in disappointment.

Decide to follow our Savior? Well, it ends with our souls "feasting on the riches of his grace," just like the 5,000 who ate bread and fish.

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