Set You Free
Day 136: John 8:31-59
'So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”' - John 8:31-32 ESV
Truth isn't constricting, as many in our world claim today. It doesn't make you narrow-minded to follow the narrow way of Jesus.
Truth is liberating; it sets us free from the enslavement of sin. It opens us up to become the person Jesus always intended for us to be, even before our births (see Psalm 139:16).
The best friends we have will not hesitate to tell us the truth. They know that lying to us will not help. Going the route of deception in the name of flattery leads us away from eternal life.
Jesus is your best friend. The truth He has to offer will confront all of our failures and let the light of His love (via His blood) do what it does best: cleanse (see 1 John 1:9).
Verse 44 of our reading today is one of the most revealing places in all of the Bible regarding our enemy, the devil. The "lie" originated with him (the nachash) in Genesis 3:4 when he told Eve, "You will not die."
The devil will always lie to us, but it will be in a way that parades as truth.
Choose freedom. Listen to Jesus.