Servants and Stewards

Day 220: 1 Corinthians 4:1-21

'This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.' - 1 Corinthians 4:1 ESV

Paul is obviously frustrated with the local "Christian" teachers in Corinth and the church's acceptance of what was being taught. Self-proclamation and pride are two red flags that should make us all think twice about being sucked into believing someone's superiority as an "expert" in the ways of Jesus.

The word Paul uses for "servant" is ὑπηρέτης hypēretēs, and it can also be translated as "assistant" or "guard" or "attendant." He wanted them to know that his status was that of subservience to Jesus. He wasn't in charge.

The word used for "steward" is οἰκονόμος oikonomos, and it gives the idea of someone who has been put in charge of an estate or household that is not their own.

Once church leaders, and all Christians, come to realize their role in God's kingdom, they are a joy to work alongside. Why? Because nobody is claiming the "boss" role. We recognize that we are assistants and caretakers in a kingdom that is strong beyond measure and will have no end (see Daniel 7:14).

What a privilege it is.

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