Rock Choir

Day 109: Luke 19:28-48

'He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”' - Luke 19:40 ESV

Jesus is entering Jerusalem on this Palm Sunday as the last week of His incarnate (in flesh) life. His final path to the cross was marked with the Messianic affirmation of this crowd. This group of palm-waving people were singing a common Jewish song: Psalm 118:26.

The Pharisees, once again, were not enjoying this eruption of confirming praise. They call him "rabbi" and at the same time give him a direct command. They wanted the crowd to keep it down. Yet...

"In a striking saying Jesus affirms that the shouting is inevitable." - Leon Morris

Praise was going to break forth one way or another. The rock choir wasn't out of the question.

We do the same thing today when we sing. Our songs should join the chorus of creation that is constantly affirming the identity of Jesus and His love for all of humanity. Our vocal cords vibrate, and the foundations of hell shake. When Jesus is acknowledged as the Master He is, all things are set in their proper place.

Thank you, Jesus, for starting this journey toward the cross. Our gratitude is all we have, and we will offer it every day.

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