Preference Set

Day 203: Romans 7:14-25, 8:1-8

'For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.' - Romans 8:5-6 ESV

When we became Christians, many of us assumed our battles with sin would immediately subside. I mean, now that Jesus has cleansed the depths of who we are from all sin and shame, shouldn't we be completely free from its power? This is such a complicated topic, and Paul decides to throw himself in there as an example. Such a bold move.

The point he seems to be driving home repeatedly in our reading today is that our identity and our status with God remain secure as we continue to trust in Jesus for salvation.

But we do have this thing called "the flesh." The temptations and the cravings for that which is terrible for us continue. So, we have a decision to make. Will we choose to set our minds on the flesh or the things of the Spirit? By simply reading this devotional today, you've made an act of defiance against your flesh. You are choosing to flood your mind with truth from the hand of God.

It may not always feel victorious as we battle day-to-day against our desires, but may we continue to allow God to match our lives to the inward change that has already taken place.

Preference set: Spirit-led.

" be determined by the Spirit is to have one’s gaze focused upon that which cannot be seen, upon that invisible Other who alone gives meaning and authority to existence." - C.K. Barrett