Nothing Goes Unnoticed

Day 293: 1 Timothy 5:1-25

“Remember, the sins of some people are obvious, leading them to certain judgment. But there are others whose sins will not be revealed until later. In the same way, the good deeds of some people are obvious. And the good deeds done in secret will someday come to light.” - 1 Timothy 5:24-25

It is so wild to see some of the things people post on social media, even when their names are attached to it. There’s something about firing off a comment or a hateful email to someone that makes it feel like it's being done in anonymity.

As we see in these two verses, nothing is actually being done in anonymity. God is paying attention to everything, both heroic and horrific.

Solomon wrote this in Proverbs 15:3: "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good."

So whatever evil you've left unconfessed and has yet to be discovered by someone else has actually already been seen by your Creator. It is time to come boldly to the throne of grace and to find help in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16). It is time to receive healing from confession (James 5:16).

Have you also done something good that has gone unnoticed? God knows and cares. He sees you. In Him, there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).

Ending with this quote from Michael Moss is so helpful:  After his brief digression with personal advice for Timothy, Paul returns to the matter of sins of elders. He first notes that ‘the sins of some’ are so clear they cannot be missed. Their sins race ahead and reach “the place of the judgment ahead of them. On the other hand, there are others whose sins are not as evident. Only later on do their sins become clear.

May this motivate us to, by the Holy Spirit, live lives of integrity today!

Kathy GarnerComment