No Snatching

Day 139: John 10:22-42

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." - John 10:28 ESV

We, as a culture, are obsessed with what others think of us.

Do they think I'm legit? Do they think I'm fat? Do they think I'm stylish? Do they think I'm boring? Then it shifts to a more serious tone: Do they think I'll be unsuccessful? Do they think I'm close-minded? Do they think I'm insane for believing Jesus rose from the dead? Do they think I'm a horrible person for believing the ENTIRE Bible?

What Jesus says in our reading today should set all of those fears to rest. Once He sets us into an eternal life reality (which began when we committed ourselves to follow Jesus and will culminate when we die and are raised imperishable), we are secure in every way. Though we may listen to the opinions of others, we know they are not our ultimate authority. Other people do not have the ability to snatch us out of Jesus' hand. It isn't their call.

Again, this is why it is vital to take our lead based on what Jesus says about us. He says we are forgiven (Romans 3:23-26). He says we are His treasured possession (1 Peter 2:9). We are the ones He wants to spend eternity with (John 17:3). I mean, that is saying something.

Take a deep breath.

Jesus has you in His hand.

"This verse does not say that it is impossible to run away—only that no one can come and take you away. This is a comparison of the power of God and the power of Satan or any other power opposing God. No one has the power to steal a person from the fold. One must be aware, however, that he can remove himself. Unless a person remains loyal to Christ and His teaching, he has no promise of care within the fold."
- Foster, L. (1987). John: Unlocking the Scriptures for You (p. 117)