Jesus, the Taxpayer

Today's reading: Matthew 17:10-27

'Jesus said to him, "Then the sons are free. However, not to give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook and take the first fish that comes up, and when you open its mouth you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for me and for yourself."' - Matthew 17:26-27

There were so many reasons why Jesus could have shirked off this Temple tax. First, there were some Jewish groups who refused to pay it. Second, they usually took in more than they needed. So much so that they built a golden vine with the excess one year. Third, the Temple is about to be destroyed in 70 AD.

So, since Jesus had excellent grounds for not paying it, why does He go ahead and pay the tax from the fish's mouth? Couldn't that shekel have been used more wisely?

Can you go ahead and try to stiff the IRS this year?

I love what Craig Keener says about these verses:

  1. Jesus cares about his disciples’ social obligations (17:24–26).

  2. Disciples need to be ready to surrender their privileges and “rights” for the sake of the gospel (17:25–26).

  3. Jesus supplies needs like these as well as other needs (17:27).

Believe it or not, Jesus cares about your tax-life. He actually cares about your entire life. He cares so much that He died on the cross to restore us to who we were really meant to be.

May we walk in this freedom today! 

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