Jesus is Generous
Day 30: Matthew 20:1-28
“‘Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?” So the last will be first, and the first last.” - Matthew 20:15-16 ESV
Most of us in the United States are conditioned as we grow up to be competitive. This isn’t just when it comes to sports. It is literally everywhere. Grades, appearances, promotions, relationships, and even churches are areas where we see competitiveness play out. Unwilling to compete? You will get stepped on or looked over.
Then Jesus tells the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard and blows our competitive capitalism to pieces. The bottom line of the parable is that grace is never earned; it is always given.
We also see that we serve a God who is always looking for ways to be generous. Jesus will later say, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” (John 12:32)
We are all invited. It doesn’t matter when we turn to Jesus. It only matters that we do turn.
Do you feel like you’re on the outside of Christianity because you’ve waited so long? It isn’t too late to turn toward our generous Savior for salvation.
"Salvation is ultimately grounded in the sheer goodness of God and cannot be calculated in legal terms. Since all kingdom rewards depend on God’s grace there should be no place for self-promotion or jealousy over how God treats the undeserving." - Chouinard, L. (1997). Matthew (Mt 20:16)