Increase Our Faith

Day 104: Luke 16:19-31, 17:1-10

“The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’ And the Lord said, ‘If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you."' - Luke 17:5-6 ESV

Apparently, our universities' business schools were not the first to speak of things like scale or gains. When the disciples hear of Jesus' command to forgive others unconditionally and with constancy, they are overwhelmed. Deep in their gut, they felt the insufficiency of their faith.

What Jesus was trying to get them to realize is that the issue was not found in the size of their faith.

When it comes to measurement and power, Jesus is the ultimate. He is both our creator and our sustainer (see Hebrews 1:3). Our minds can't even begin to comprehend just how far God's capability reaches.

When we place any amount of faith (trust) in Him, there is no limit to what can happen next.

We would do well not to worry about the amount of our faith, but instead to concern ourselves with the consistent placement of it in Jesus to do what we cannot.

"Genuine faith can accomplish what experience, reason, and probability would deny, if it is exercised within God’s will." - D.G. Miller

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