If You Love Me
Day 145: John 14:15-31
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever." - John 14:15-16 ESV
These two verses are some of the most powerfully practical that you'll find in all of John's Jesus biography. Three things immediately jump out as we look a little deeper:
#1 - Relationship needs to precede right living. Before we step into a life of obedience to Jesus, we need to establish a healthy relationship with Him. We love and trust Jesus first and foremost. We can depend on Him!
#2 - Obedience isn't optional; it is to be expected. As we love and interact with Jesus, our lives will be transformed. This is manifested in the way that we serve our families and those around us. It is even shown in the way we love our enemies.
# 3 - Does this seem daunting? Feel inadequate to accomplish what God is asking you to do? Never fear. The Holy Spirit is our Helper (parakletos - advocate). Where we are insufficient, He is more than enough to make us adequate.
Don't you love how intentional Jesus was with preparing His disciples for what was to come? He is doing the same for us today. May we move forward with the God of all creation on our side.