I Am He
Day 149: John 18:1-24
'When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.' - John 18:6 ESV
Jesus finished his high priestly prayer (chapter 17) and then transitioned to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he also prayed with agony in light of the cross that awaited Him (see Luke 22:39-46). At this point, the betrayer (Judas) has come to do his worst with a mob of Roman soldiers and the Jewish hierarchy. This group wasn't going to "apprehend" Jesus by force; this was going to be an act of surrender on His part.
Many people believe that Jesus is found here declaring and proving His status as God's Son. "I AM" was the name that God gave Moses as he went before the Israelites initially to begin their exit out of Egypt (see Exodus 3:14).
As Jesus declares, "I am he," the mob falls back to the ground. This was a common response in the Old Testament to a theophany (see Ezekiel 1:28 and Daniel 10:9).
Jesus cannot help but show His power and authority as His identity comes into full view. We would do well to fall on our faces today in worship before the One who will put all of His opponents on their backs.