I Am a Sinful Man

Day 80: Luke 4:31-44, 5:1-11

“But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.'” - Luke‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

When Jesus decides to do something incredible in our lives, we at first think there has been some kind of mistake. Why would God decide that we are worthy enough to use? We know what we have thought and done. We also know that He is well acquainted with those mistakes.

Instead of affirming our uselessness, Jesus steps in and calls us into the work He is doing. We are not only chosen to receive God’s grace (via the salvation of our souls) but we are also called to be agents of this worldwide rescue plan.

I love what Jesus does in verse 10. He confronts Peter’s fear and invites him into something beyond fishing for fish. People would now be the catch of the day.

Could you lead many to Jesus as Peter did? If you feel inadequate or unworthy, it seems that you are finding yourself in excellent company with all those who were called by God in the Bible.

Let’s get to fishing.

John Calvin's comments on this verse are a fantastic way to close: "Hence we see, that it is natural to all men to tremble at the presence of God. And this is of advantage to us, in order to humble any foolish confidence or pride that may be in us, provided it is immediately followed by soothing consolation. And so Christ relieves the mind of Peter by a mild and friendly reply, saying to him, Fear not. Thus Christ sinks his own people in the grave, that he may afterwards raise them to life."

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