Hope Does Not Disappoint

Day 199: Romans 4:13-25, 5:1-5

“...we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” - Romans‬ ‭5:3-5‬ ‭NASB‬‬

The progression Paul lays out as we tip-toe into Romans 5 immediately reveals that we're going to need to read this, again and again, to even begin wrapping our hearts and minds around it. This should be a go-to spot for us when we're confused by the difficult circumstances we have to face in this life.

Why does God allow us to face “problems and trials”? Does He take great delight in seeing us struggle and suffer through them? It can seem confusing when we match it up with the world’s definition of love.

Yet when we realize that we are living in a broken and fallen world, even as one of its participants, we know we need this process that leads to hope.

True love enables us to grow, to develop into someone who sees further, embracing hope. And hope gives us more and more reason to look toward tomorrow with anticipation of what God will do in and through us despite the difficulty.

H.C.G. Moule drives home this thought by writing, "For now the Apostle takes up that word, 'the Love of God' and holds it to our sight, and we see in its pure glory no vague abstraction, but the face, and the work, of Jesus Christ." - Moule, H. (1975). The Epistle to the Romans (p. 134)

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