His Disciples Believed in HIm

Day 122: John 2:1-25

“This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.” - John‬ ‭2:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Believing in Jesus is more wide-ranging and progressive than many of us realize. An initial belief is not an arrival. Instead, it is a starting line.

These disciples are going to waver from belief to denial to even doubting after Jesus rose from the dead and had appeared to them for 40 days (see Matthew 28:16). At some points, it almost seems to be a fluid experience between trusting and distrusting Jesus.

Jesus performs this miracle right at the top of his three-year earthly ministry, and the disciples are already starting to buy in. I mean, how could you not? This wasn’t just a tall glass of wine. It was six, 20-30 gallon stone jars. This would have been harder to explain as an illusion than the fact that Jesus really did do the impossible.

Your belief has to start somewhere, just as it did for Jesus’ disciples. Though we may waver at times, we know that trusting Jesus is something that can increase over time. The more we see Him move and work and display His glory, the closer He will draw us into His authentic embrace.

The Jesus we follow is unlike any other.

"The aim and result, however, are all the same—to create faith in Jesus; that is, to encourage people to accept the testimony to Jesus provided by these signs, shown to John the Baptist and to the earliest disciples." - Bryant, B. H., & Krause, M. S. (1998). John (Jn 2:11)

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