Heaven As It Is Now

Day 347: Revelation 4:1-11

“At once I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the throne.” - Revelation‬ ‭4:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Now we enter into the spaces of Revelation that have been heavily debated upon for over 1900 years. One thing that is helpful to remember as we read Revelation 4-5 is that we are viewing heaven as it currently is. Want to see heaven as it will one day be? Skip ahead to Revelation 21-22.

Who are these 24 elders? Many believe they represent the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles, representing all of the Old and New covenant participants, the Jews and the Nations. God’s chosen people as a whole. They have white garments and crowns. We saw those earlier as promises given to the seven churches (see 2:10, 3:5).

Crowns were given as a reward. We like the idea of rewards, especially when it comes to heaven. How fitting, though, that they take their crowns and cast them before the throne of the One who is truly worthy (4:10).

The throne room is colorful, majestic (thunder), peaceful (sea of glass), and flooded with worship to our King, who ”created all things.”

May we view our lives as a rehearsal for the throne room and eventually the new heavens and the new earth. Because our God is a loving creator, He is worthy to be praised.

"The fact that John will see the future from the vantage point of God’s heavenly throne room is extremely significant, for it means that we cannot possibly understand the goal of history unless we realize that God is in control of history. God rules; God is king; God’s sovereign will shall be done."
- Davis, C. A. (2000). Revelation (pp. 162–163)

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