He Washed and Was Washed

Day 176: Acts 16:16-40

“And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their wounds; and he was baptized at once, he and all his family.” - Acts 16:33 ESV

Luke gives us three lives that were changed as a result of this stop in Philippi. The first was Lydia (a wealthy clothing mogul), the second was the demon-possessed slave girl, and the third was this jailer who was commissioned to contain Paul and Silas.

Even after being beaten with rods, Paul and Silas couldn't hold back their prayers and praises in the middle of the night. A divine earthquake would give them an opportunity for freedom, but they decided to stay. Their songs and willingness to save the life of this jailer were major witnesses that led to the man asking a question we all love to hear: "What must I do to be saved?" This man had the protection of the Roman government, but he now longed for better salvation. He wanted what they had (I believe many in our culture are this way today).

Are you ready for someone to ask you this question? Are you ready to "speak the word of the Lord" to people like the jailer and his household? If so, God will be sending them your way. You better be ready to get down into the water with them and get wet.

I'd love to end with this incredible quote from F.F. Bruce's commentary on Acts: “He washed and was washed,” says Chrysostom: “he washed them from their stripes, and was himself washed from his sins.”

God is preparing them for you to speak. Are you getting ready for them?

See this resource for help as you prepare to share the message of Jesus with others.

Kathy GarnerComment