He Was Lost
Day 102: Luke 15:1-32
“And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found."' - Luke 15:31-32 ESV
In our reading for today, Jesus gives us three examples of losing and finding.
1 Sheep
1 Coin
1 Son
"When criticized by the Pharisees for eating with sinners, Jesus tells three carefully constructed parables which teach the love of God for sinners and the rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents." - Black, M. C. (1995). Luke (Lk 15:1–7)
One of the biggest fears most of us have in this life is that we will come to our end and be forgotten. We ask questions like: Would anyone care if I became lost? Would anyone care if I died? This is when hopelessness and depression can hit the hardest.
But we serve a God who delights in finding lost things. We worship a Savior who specializes in resurrecting the dead.
You need to know that, with Jesus, you will never get lost in the vastness of the crowd. Though you may think that your movements are going unnoticed, you need to be reminded that God is watching and hoping for you to come running toward His outstretched arms.
Jesus is hoping for you (and others) to give occasion for a ruckus of praise in heaven. When we return, heaven rejoices. The lost are found; the dead are raised.