He Recovered His Sight
Day 107: Luke 18:18-43
“And immediately he recovered his sight and followed him, glorifying God. And all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.” - Luke 18:43 ESV
This blind man was truly privileged. He had the Son of God look him in the face and ask what he wanted for Him to do. This is kind of odd since the blind beggar had been non-stop asking Jesus to have mercy on him. I believe this shows us how important it is for us to verbalize to God the change we want to take place in our lives.
Is that a part of your daily prayer time?
For me, it is easy to complain to God rather than beg him for transformation (as we covered yesterday).
What is equally impressive about this (formerly) blind beggar is his reaction after the restoration of his sight:
1) He followed Jesus, which altered his day-to-day life.
2) He glorified God, taking no credit for what happened.
3) His testimony affected others. His healing and his praise were contagious.
All of this started with his consistent cry for mercy. May God allow us to have the same kind of experience today.
"The blind man’s persistence (he shouted all the more) gets Jesus’ attention and demonstrates his faith. Jesus refuses to ignore those whom society is normally content to disregard." - Black, M. C. (1995). Luke (Lk 18:39–43)