God's Heart for Sinners

Day 196: Romans 2:1-24

“They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.” - Romans 2:15-16 ESV

There was no shortage of sin taking place in Rome during the first century. Even a quick look at the death penalty shows us that they buried the convicted alive, impaled them, or used crucifixion. When it came to sexuality, things were even worse. Pedophilia was often practiced, along with the frequent abuse of women.

It would be easy to sit in judgment over their behavior as a Jew would compare and contrast their lives. In the spirit of Jesus (see Matthew 5:21-48), Paul is showing them their own guilt. Romans 2 communicates that just because someone is among the nations (a Gentile) doesn't mean that some weren't genuinely seeking after the one true God.

It can be so easy to generalize and dismiss people as hopeless. That is until we take a long hard look at our own lives and remember all the crimes Jesus has absolved for us. God's kindness, through Jesus Christ, allowed us into His family, not our good behavior.

This should give us a great amount of patience with those we're trying to reach with the Good News about Jesus.

"Until one has submitted to the saving work of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and has allowed the truth of biblical revelation to reinform his original moral database, the conscience will at times, perhaps most of the time, yield false results. 'Always let your conscience be your guide' is bad theology. Actually, the conscience itself needs a guide or standard, and the only sure guide for sinners is the objective Word of God, the Bible." - Cottrell, J. (1996). Romans (Vol. 1, Ro:15)

Kathy GarnerComment