God Had Mercy

Day 274: Philippians 2:19-30, 3:1-3

“Indeed he was ill, near to death. But God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.'”- Philippians 2:27 ESV

One time as I was going through a music rehearsal at church, I noticed that one of our musicians seemed troubled. This sweet lady had just recently overcome a cancer diagnosis and was healthy (and is to this day). We had prayed for her and wept with her through it. Yet she was still in tears. I had to inquire as to why. She mentioned that she didn't know why she'd been spared and so many others hadn't. I assured her that none of us knew the answer to that question, but I did know that God apparently had more for her to do here. More songs to play. More people to reach with Christ's love. I can still see her smile through her tears.

Epaphroditus was spared, and Paul chalked it up to God showering mercy (also translated as compassion) on him.

C.H. Spurgeon, writing on this verse, said it beautifully, "Lazarus of Bethany, Dorcas, Epaphroditus, and Trophimus are a few of that great host of sick folk whom the Lord loves in their sicknesses, for whom the promise was written that the Lord ‘sustains him on his sick bed. In his illness, you restore to health (Psa 41:3).’”

Even still, the compassion of God is expressed in so many ways. "Why?!" is the question we may never get an answer to, but "What?!" is the one God will answer each time. Jesus can turn any circumstance, no matter how hard, into something that can make an eternal difference. We know this because we've seen many who weren't as fortunate as Epaphroditus, Paul being one of them himself (see 2 Corinthians 12:9-12).

Even so, we must always remember that if we are spared, it is an opportunity for us to reflect God's glory. For we know that He is the great Redeemer of time.

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