Equality Proclaimed for All
Day 271: Ephesians 6:1-24
“And masters, do the same things to them, and give up threatening, knowing that both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him.” - Ephesians 6:9 NASB
Slavery in the Bible is something that is difficult to stomach, especially as we read the New Testament. Why didn’t Paul say, “Alright! Enough! Slavery is done among Christians. Let them be free!”?
Here in Ephesians 6 we see what Paul (via the Holy Spirit) was doing in the area of slavery (and for all who were marginalized). The groundwork was laid for every culture to recognize the intrinsic truth that all have been created equal in God’s sight. For the first time in human history, we see here equality proclaimed among those who were societal unequals.
Jesus doesn’t favor anyone more than another (never has). All are fit to put on every piece of the illustrious armor of God.
This was a revolutionary thought in the first century, and it is still splitting heads today. The rich. The poor. Male. Female. The famous. The forgotten. All of us matter to God. There should be no ranking system in play within Christianity.
Abolition of slaves was initiated by verses like these.
God doesn’t play favorites.
Darrell Bock, in his Ephesians commentary, brings us into focus even more as we close: “No matter what the social status of people may be, the response that honours God respects other people as those made in God’s image. There is a hint of the mutual submission of 5:21 here because the point is that all submit to the Lord.”