Destination Ahead

Day 319: Hebrews 12:14-29

“But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering,” - Hebrews‬ ‭12:22‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I think we’ve all heard our phones declare, “You have arrived at your destination!” It is a relief to listen to these words, especially if we were wandering aimlessly for a while. Verses 22-25 is God reassuring these Hebrew Christians that all of their sufferings are a reminder of what they are now approaching. The detail provided is also helpful for us today.

Now approaching…

  • Heavenly City (alluding to Revelation 21)

  • Thousands of angels, singing (they’ve been doing this since the beginning, Job 38:7)

  • All of our Christian family gone before us (not yet fitted with resurrection bodies—to come later)

  • God the Father (the righteous Judge)

  • Jesus and His blood (allowing us to approach God the Judge)

Our future is literally bright and will be non-stop joy. The singing, the unity, the majestic presence of God—all will be made right.

“You will one day arrive at your destination.”

Until then, the following quote is great to consider:  'It is interesting that he employs the perfect tense here rather than the future: “you have come to Mount Zion” (v. 22). The heavenly reward of the believer may become complete at the consummation but we can begin to experience it in the present.' - Girdwood, J., & Verkruyse, P. (1997). Hebrews (p. Heb 12:22)

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