Deeds That Follow

Day 357: Revelation 14:1-20

“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. ‘Blessed indeed,’ says the Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!’” - Revelation 14:13

Before we get to this verse and the overall scope of chapter 14, I wanted to drop a quote in here about verse 4. It is one that may be confusing and derail us from getting what we should out of the rest of the verses.

“Verse 4 does not mean that all of the ‘144,000’ redeemed saints are celibate males, or that sex itself is sinful. We have seen that, throughout Revelation, adultery, fornication, prostitution, and sexual promiscuity are common images for idolatry—that is, for relationships with gods other than the true creator and Lord of all. By calling them ‘pure/virgins,’ John characterizes Christians as persons who shun the kind of idolatry involved in Roman emperor worship and other pagan religions.” - Christopher A. Davis

Now, back to the full scope of the chapter. In chapters 12-13, we are given a close up on the events to happen just before Jesus’s return. Chapter 14 zooms in on the final judgment between those who “follow the Lamb wherever He goes” and those who follow themselves (ultimately, the Devil).

What we do now will follow us into eternity. What we want now will determine what we receive after this life.

While an eternal hell seems an extreme punishment to most of us, we need to keep in mind that God will give us what we want. Life apart from Him is no life at all. We may be able to fake it here and now, but that won’t be possible at the end of our time on earth.

I pray this gives us all more of an urgency to follow Jesus and help others do the same.

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