Completely Saved
Day 310: Hebrews 7:18-28
“Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.” - Hebrews 7:25 ESV
Have you ever done something halfway but knew there was enough time to go back and do it the right way? Maybe this is because of a deadline or due to your procrastination.
Some of us are perfectionists. Therefore, we won’t do anything unless it can be done to our standards. So, in this case, it is either 100% or 0%.
How does Jesus do things? In our passage today, it says that he does them “to the uttermost.” That is to say, “to the max.” This is the description of the way He saves His people, you and me.
Not only that (I mean, can there be more?), but Jesus also lives to pray for us; to be our Advocate.
This truth should make us feel loved today. Have you had a bad week or a bad 2021? Jesus is for you. He proves this by the way He interacts with us.
Fighting for us every day.
”The meaning seems to be that as long as the high priest functions, he is able to save, a thought which is strengthened by the words he always lives (pantote zōn).” - Donald Guthrie