
Today's reading: Matthew 11:7-30

'Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done, because they did not repent.' - Matthew 11:20 ESV

Everyone likes free stuff. I mean, the T-Shirt canon at a Pacers' game evokes screams of passionate fans who will do anything to get their hands on an XXL shirt that they'll never wear.

What about something that will cost us? We are much more skeptical and reluctant.

These people that Jesus was pouring out all kinds of healing upon still didn't "repent." This word in Greek is metanoeo. It is used 34 times in the New Testament. It can also be translated as "to change one's mind."

Jesus' miracles were not enough to change these people's minds. Did they appreciate the change in their conditions? Why, yes. Did they benefit? Again, yes. Did it cause them to alter how they lived? No, it didn't.

If our minds are unaffected, our behavior will be left unchanged as well.

So, what does it take to see minds/lives change?

It is a willingness to trust God enough to surrender all of our agendas to His. May we see this consistently in our lives and those we are trying to reach as well.

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