Caring for the Church

Day 181: Acts 20:1-37

"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood." - Acts 20:28 ESV

This encouragement that Paul gives to the Ephesian elders gets me every time. When you put great care into any group of people, whether that's teaching kids at church or coaching a little league team, your heart remains with them for quite some time. We want to think that the investments we've made will produce fruit for future generations.

Paul can see that there was great spiritual warfare taking place in Ephesus. Their church was started in the midst of an insane book/scroll burning (see Acts 19:21-40). This wasn't an easy place to be a Christian, and the same is true to this day (there is no known Christian church in Ephesus today).

Leadership will always start first with us. We cannot expect to lead anyone anywhere without first being affected by God's grace. Then we have to turn our eyes toward those we are attempting to lead. How much quality time have we spent with them? People don't select leadership in the church like we select a president. The Holy Spirit selects them, and we merely identify them.

How do we know Jesus cares for the church? His blood is all the proof we need, and it continues to power His people day in and day out to do the work He initiated in the first century. May we all be the leaders God has called us to be, and may we be in prayer for our elders, asking God to give them wisdom and strength.

"Their responsibility was the greater in that the flock which they were commissioned to tend was no other than the church of God which he had purchased for himself (an echo here of Old Testament language)—and the purchase price was nothing less than the life-blood of his beloved Son." - Bruce, F. F. (1988). The Book of the Acts (pp. 392–393)

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