Calling the Sinners

Day 82: Luke 5:29-39, 6:1-11

“And Jesus answered them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.’” - Luke‬ ‭5:31-32‬ ‭ESV

‬‬The Hebrew Bible is pretty straightforward when it comes to God’s stance on every human being’s condition. The Jews sang the following song regularly: “They have all turned aside.” (see Psalm 14:3, Romans 3:9-18) If this is the case, what was Jesus trying to communicate in our reading for today? Were there really some who had it all figured out and didn’t need to change? The following quote is helpful.

“Jesus does not think, of course, that any are righteous, but he knows well that those who think themselves righteous will accept little of what he has to offer.” - Mark C. Black

There is a real danger in spiritual elitism. When we start down the dreadful path of comparing our lives to others, it becomes pretty easy to convince ourselves that our lives “aren’t that bad.” A lack of awareness of our sinful state is one of the scariest places where we can venture.

This is why Jesus had an immediate effect on the notorious people of His day. They knew they needed to change. They were ready and waiting for Him.

Today, take some time to realize your need for Jesus to save you from yourself. Also, pay attention to those on whom God has already been working. The Holy Spirit has been preparing them to hear the message of the Gospel from you.

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