
Day 251: 2 Corinthians 10:1-17

“Our goal is to stay within the boundaries of God’s plan for us.” - 2 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

Commenting on this verse, William Baker writes, “In contrast to his opponents, he will seek a standard of assessment that is true and measurable. This measurement comes from God himself, not some mere human contrivance.”

Self-promotion is something that our culture considers to be of high value. Even in the first century, some were seeking fame and authority by way of Christianity.

Yet our goal should not be to promote ourselves; it is to glorify Christ’s greatness.

God is the one who sets the standard, and we are the ones to boast in Him gratefully.

The word for measurement (boundaries) in this verse is kanon, which would later be used to describe how the New Testament books were decided upon.

Jesus, we commit ourselves to boast only of what You have done. We are instruments in Your hands. Use us as You see fit and as what will bring You the maximum glory. You bring the flash; we will bring the obedience.

Kathy GarnerComment